Adopting </SYLLABUS>

Are you ready to use </SYLLABUS> in your courses?

It is easy to deploy an interactive syllabus in your courses. </SYLLABUS> is designed using Qualtircs’ survey platform, however, you can use any survey or quiz platform to implement an interactive syllabus.

  • If you have access to Qualtrics simply request access to the template and upload it to your Qualtrics platform.

  • If you do not have Qualtrics request access to the template as a Word or PDF document and copy questions to the survey platform of your choice. 



Be sure that you test the syllabus to be sure it is accessable to students. 


Make the interactive syllabus an assignment and give students points for completing the exercise. 


Be sure that a traditional PDF is always available for students who struggle with the interactive format.


Send students messages prompting them to adopt the interactive syllabus beginning at least a week before class starts.